The Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Network (SAIEN) is a collaborative effort of several Sri Aurobindo Education Centres and Institutes, to manifest the Integral Vision and Education of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo wrote, “Yoga must be revealed to mankind because without it mankind cannot take the next step in the human evolution.” And the Mother further added that the best means to prepare for this next step in Human Evolution would be to establish an International University in the name of Sri Aurobindo where those who are seeking for an Integral Education and Yoga can prepare themselves for this next step.

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Collaboration for a New Creation

SAIEN’s aspiration is to set up a Multiversity in the name of Sri Aurobindo, a modern Rishi and a great exponent of an Integral system of education, as illustrated in his writings on ‘A system of National Education’, on his 150th Birth Anniversary. Creation of this institution will be a befitting tribute, and an offering of India to Sri Aurobindo in the form of a special Act of Parliament to form an Institute of National Importance. The Act would bring together and provide recognition to all the institutes and centres imparting and following the educational pattern of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and form an alliance with major centres of learning in India and globally to design and facilitate Integral courses and programs, original and applied research using innovative pedagogies of teaching and evaluation – ‘as an education for the world at large’.

  • To create a World-wide Network and community of Sri Aurobindo Centres to manifest the Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in Life
  • To create a body of knowledge and learning experiences – a diversity of academic, non-academic, experiential, research based and innovative courses, programs, internships towards a university of tomorrow… as The Mother had envisioned this as the best way to take forward Sri Aurobindo’s work
  • To create collaborative programs, internships and modules specifically targeted at 1) Teacher Education 2) Seekers/Professionals 3) Youth/Students
  • To form networks, partnerships, and alliances with like-minded organizations and individuals, and create an online platform and directory for sharing and research, arts, culture, music, blogs, theatre, poetry, audio-visuals, films etc… a dynamic space for interaction, collaboration and learning.
  • SAIEN hopes to achieve a space where decisions can be taken in harmony and through a process of consensus, giving time for each process to mature and find its right place and organisation
  • SAIEN hopes to further strengthen the world-wide community of Sri Aurobindo centres, scholars,and sadhaks to create a global learning and research centre
  • SAIEN hopes that its programs and courses are recognised and given equivalence, to attract excellence. scholarship and original research

The Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Network (SAIEN) is a collaborative effort of several Sri Aurobindo Education Centres and Institutes, to manifest the Integral Vision and Education of Sri Aurobindo.